

Submit claims and post payments faster

In a perfect world, your dental practice would receive payment for services the moment treatment is complete. DAISY can help you get closer to that goal, making insurance payment processing faster, from checking benefits, to submitting insurance claims, to posting payments.

With electronic claims submission and attachments, it’s never been easier for your practice to submit insurance claims. Plus, these electronic claims are processed faster, so you get paid sooner.

And with DAISY’s ERA Quick Post, insurance payments posting is automatic, helping keep your books better balanced. DAISY also offers real-time eligibility, so you can check insurance benefits in just moments.


Real-time eligibility

Check your patients’ benefits with a single click. Real-time eligibility is integrated into DAISY so your staff can quickly see whether a patient is eligible for treatment without making phone calls, logging into multiple websites or doing any further research.

DAISY works with thousands of insurance companies across the country, so you can easily find the one you’re looking for.



Insurance claims submission

Receive payments sooner by submitting insurance claims electronically. DAISY automates your claims submissions, making it easy for your practice to submit electronic claims. That means your claims are processed faster and you receive payments earlier — putting money back into your practice, where it belongs.



NEA FastAttach

Make faster work of claims processing. NEA’s FastAttach™ lets you make electronic claims attachments, so you can attach supporting documents or images to dental claims.

FastAttach works within DAISY, saving employee time, as well as money on office supplies and shipping costs. Use FastAttach with DAISY’s ERA services to completely eliminate manual claims submissions.



Insurance payment posting

Keep your books more up-to-date and accurately balanced with DAISY Quick Post. This Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA 835) feature automatically posts insurance payments. DAISY’s ERA Quick Post also lets you receive electronic Explanation of Benefit (EOB) statements or electronic funds transfer (EFT) payments. You’ll love the fast, automated process and time savings.
